I originally thought about doing this blog while helping my newly married nephew and his wife. I was trying to teach them the art of saving money while not giving up the things they felt they could not live without. They are 19 and 21 and have a one year old son, so as you can imagine money is tight.
Nobody likes to be put on a budget. In fact the very word budget scares people off. People immediately think of sacrificing, doing without, being denied of pleasure. Well, I have good news!! This does not have to be the case. Think of it more as a challenge, getting ahead, or being creative.
I will offer suggestions and it is up to you to use as many or as few as you want. If you even use one suggestion you will save a few pennies here and there. I would also love to hear what you do to save money as well. The more tips the better.
My goal is not to make you a millionaire. You need to learn investing for that. My goal is to teach you to save the pennies to invest!! So come back often and check out my site. Lets have some fun, meet some goals and save some money. Best of Luck, Lisa
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