Have I mentioned that I love coupons? I mean think about it. They are free to use, save you money and easy to come by. What more can you ask?? And if you use a grocery store where they double the coupons you will find yourself saving a good deal of money immediately. Don't we all like instant gratification? Of course we do.
Okay, how to start you might ask? First you will need to find a coupon holder. This can be as easy as using an envelope, or buying a coupon holder at the dollar store. Usually I think these are kind of "old lady" looking, so I prefer to make my own. If you like what you carry your coupons in, you are more likely to remember to use it. Personalize it and make it fun. I found the perfect size waterproof pouch, that is small enough to throw in a tote bag or large purse. I used index cards from the dollar store to divide it into sections with different headings, based on how my local grocery store is laid out. For instance, I have cards marked beverages, baby food, pet food, canned goods, dairy, frozen foods etc. I have pictures of family in mine, recipes I want to try, funny cartoons, and a small pair of scissors. I leave it in the car and it is always available to me when I make a quick dash to the store. Organization is the key.
Now that you have your holder start cutting coupons, They are in the Sunday papers, online (such as coupons.com), in magazines, or on products already purchased, You will start to find new sources all the time. Ask your friends and family if you can go through their Sunday paper inserts when they are done, as this is your best source. Many coupons are for a dollar and doubled means saving $2. Believe me, it adds up. Look for products that you already use, and it's a good way to try a brand that you are not familiar with if the savings are right.
Easy, so far? Of course it is. The fun part is to see the savings on the bottom of your weekly shopping receipt. It will usually show what you saved by buying products on sale (more on that later), and how much you saved by using coupons. It really is rewarding to see how much money can be saved by this simple technique that many people do not take advantage of.
My niece was very proud the first time she went shopping with coupons and saved more than she thought was possible. She posted the receipt on her refrigerator to show her husband and to remind herself of her accomplishment. She was quite pleased with herself, and found it to be easy and fun. Her goal each week is to save more than the week before. So it becomes more a game than a chore and there is more money in her pocket (actually her bank, but more on that later).
Attitude makes a huge difference in something being a chore or something being fun. So start having some fun and clip those coupons. So ladies, and gents start clipping your way to saving money. More to come and best of luck, Lisa
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