It's that time of year when we want to stay home, cozy and warm cuddling in front of a fire. Making your home weatherproof helps to lower heating costs. Have you noticed any drafts coming in around door or windows? Caulk them. Your local Home Depot or Lowe's will be happy to give you tips on how to do this. If you have storm windows put them on. Drafts coming under the door? Place extra towels around the bottom.
Flannel sheets on the bed help keep you warm and cozy. If you have an electric blanket, save money by only using it to warm the bed up before crawling in. Wear socks to bed, it's a quick way to warm up. Or better yet cuddle up. If you don't have a special someone a dog or cat will do!
If you have a large house, only heat the rooms you use the most and close off the others. Use your fireplace for warmth as well as entertainment.
For large families, keep a large pot of soup going on the back burner. Your family will appreciate coming in from the cold to something warm and tasty, whether it's after building a snowman, or coming home from school.
It's a great time to try different teas, coffees, hot ciders or hot chocolate.
To warm up take a hot bubble bath instead of a very long shower. Use lots of lotion as your skin tends to get drier in winter.
Also try keeping your thermostat lower and wearing a sweater.
With the predicted rising heating costs this year, look out for your elderly neighbors. Too many times they are without heat because they can't afford it. So notice who your neighbors are and look out for each other. Have a happy, safe and affordable winter. Lisa :)